Fees and Policies

To set-up an initial appointment and to discuss fees, please email me at holdenmt@drmariaholden.com.

Psychological assessments are usually requested for legal purposes, such as in the context of immigration or a foster care case, as well as various cases that are being litigated, such as personal injury. I also assess candidates who are applying for various jobs or positions, such as the clergy, police, and other civil-service departments. Please inquire about my rates.

While I do not accept insurance, many people have out-of-network benefits. 

Be sure to ask about this.

Please note that it is your responsibility to be aware of all of the above information.  You are responsible for full payment, even if your insurance company or agency deems a service to be “not medically necessary” or decides to disallow payment for any other reason.

In order for treatment to proceed efficiently, it is necessary to attend weekly, with as few interruptions as possible. If you need to cancel a scheduled appointment, I require notice of at least 24 hours/1 business day in advance.  If you do not cancel a session with at least 24 hours/1 business day notice, you will be charged the cost of the session (this is the total amount paid by you and your insurance company – not just your co-pay).